Filme Grátis - Duração: 1h, 25min
Filme do Ano 2022
Qualidade FULL HD

Alma Wants New Playmates

A lesbian couple goes to an apartment to buy a bunk bed they saw in an ad. They quickly sense that something is not quite right with the man selling the bed, as he has covered all the windows in the apartment with garbage bags, something he says is because he works night shifts. The longer they stay in the apartment, the more it becomes clear that something is very seriously wrong. Soon they are stuck in the apartment with the man, waiting for his wife, who wants to talk with them.

Título Original:

Alma Wants New Playmates

Produtoras: QubeFilm, Johnson Production Group Diretor: Christie Will Elenco: Katie Reese, Victor Alfieri, Jessie Camacho, Gregg Weiner
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